Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Worry about yourself...

So I got my new tattoo. its just "family" written in script on the inside of my wrist. I friggin love it haha. And of course now ive got ink fever, i want another one as soon as possible lol. I want sleeves but that'll never fly in the military. I had someone tell me yesterday, "Youre gonna regret all the tattoos you get when ur like 50 or 60." My response? No I wont. and heres why...

1. My tattoos actually mean somethin to me. ( unlike random hearts and flowers girls get sometimes or nautical stars lol)

2. What is there to regret?

3. Im not gonna give a rats ass about things like that when im 50

4. I plan on still getting tattoos when im 60!

Just found out we're havin a new years eve party thursday night. Im gonna plan on being slightly intoxicated haha. holy shit we're about to start a new decade!? Jesus where does the time go? Well hopefully this is one kick ass decade cuz this past ones been kinda dull haha.
iPhone App to download- Fake Conversation
Song to download- "Whoa oh" by Forever the Sickest Kids

Im out peoples

Stay True. Stay You.


Monday, December 28, 2009

New Orleans, Words, #15, and tattoos...

The past few days has been great. Took a trip down to New Orleans to see all the family and all that good stuff. And besides the 9 hour drives there and back it was awesome. Jammed on the guitar with the cousins, met ash (my cousins new fiance), ate some damn good food, and found out that giant pretzel stix covered in white chocolate are my weakness haha.

Another recent addiction..."Words with Friends" iPhone app, download it and then add me "Teejay89"

Innapropriate or not??

So im for sure goin to get a new tattoo tonight. Gettin "family" on the inside of my right wrist. one of my relatives this weekend asked me if there was any particular reason why "faith" was on my left wrist and why I want "family" on my right. No ones ever asked me that and the answer is yes there is a reason and its kinda my own view on things but ill try to make sense of it for ya. Im right handed like completely and utterly right hand dominant, if I try and throw a ball with my left hand i look like a retarded seizing monkey, So I want to put family on my right side because they are constantly strong and never weak. So why "faith" on the left? Because the left is my weak side. And who do you look to when you are at your absolute most vulnerable? Jesus Christ my friend. So these tattoos just remind me that my family will always be there and that when im weak to just have faith in the man above to get me through it.

Im Out Peoples

Stay True. Stay You.


Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Feel good jams...

Lately ive really been into happy music. kind of a random name for a genre but im talkin buot those songs that just make u feel good. I do like my screamo,rap,country,emo,metal,80's hair band, etc, etc...but recently ive just had bands like slightly stoopid, Dispatch, and Conor Oberst on repeat.

Download these..

Slightly Stoopid- Closer to the sun, Couldnt Get High, Wiseman
Dispatch- Two Coins, Bang Bang, Passerby
Conor Oberst- Souled Out, Cape Canaveral, Danny Callahan

I think im gonna get a new tattoo soon...I have faith on the the inside of my left wrist so i think im gonna do "family" in the same font on the inside of my right wrist...

Im out peoples

Stay True. Stay You.


Monday, December 21, 2009

Computers to Combat..

Sooooo...My M.O.S. in the Navy right now is I.T. (information technologies), basically computer hacking. But as of late im beginning to think, do I really wanna stare at a computer all day for the next four years? Well the answer is hell no I dont. I would go absoulutely insane. So ive been doin more and more research about different jobs in the Navy and I think ive finally found what I wanna do. ha moms is gonna be pissed. I wanna join SWCC. pronounced "Swick" and it stands for "Special Warfare Combatant Craft Crewman".

"The exclusive mission of SWCC operators is to expertly drive and provide small-caliber gunfire support on specialized high-tech, high-speed, and low-profile Surface Combatant Craft to secretly infiltrate and exfiltrate Navy SEALs on Special Operations missions worldwide. These missions include Direct Action on land, sea, coastline or rivers (such as strikes, captures, and ship take downs by Visit, Board, Search and Seizure), Special Reconnaissance, Coastal Patrol and Interdiction of suspect ships and surface craft, Counterterrorism operations, Riverine Warfare, Deception Operations, Search and Rescue Operations, and Foreign Internal Defense missions."

So basically a SWCC is a Navy Seal Delivery guy lol. Ill have to go through BUD/S (Navy SEAL traning) and all that jazz. So yeah theres the part mom will be pissed about....combat.

I dont wanna sit around at a desk all day damnit. I wanna do somethin. I wanna have stories to tell when I get out. I wanna contribute.

heres a video of some SWCC stuff...

P.S....Go see avatar in 3-d if u havent already...SOOOO LEGIT!

Im Out Peoples

Stay True. Stay You.


Tuesday, December 15, 2009

3 pounds...

Some people need to learn that wearing a half gallon of stetson cologne at the gym doesnt hide the fact you smell like ass. News flash dude: at the gym everyone smells, leave the cologne at home. * I literally gagged once from a guys strong cologne on the treadmills *

So I have an official weigh-in at the navy office thursday morning. My weight limit I have to be at in april is 180. Im at 183 right now but I really wanna be down at my weight class on thursday morning so they dont think im slacking. So Ill be running like forest gump for the next two days. Also that means I gotta eat like a freakin anorexic runway model ughhh. Oatmeal for breakfast, Turkey sandwich at lunch, fish and veggies at dinner, and gallons upon gallons of water. Dont get me wrong thats the way to go if u wanna lose weight fast but it just really really really blows.

BJ Penn Destroyed Diego "Nightmare" Sanchez the other night. And "destroyed" is putting it nicely. Sanchez looks like a nightmare thats for sure lol...

Im Out Peoples

Stay True. Stay You.


Monday, December 14, 2009

Ramble on...

First off my New Orleans Saints are 13-0 after yet another scare this weekend...we gotta get our defense back and in a hurry if we wanna win these last three games.

Im not a dallas cowboys fan by any means and any of you that know me very well already know that lol...but I am seriously confused about this december curse they have. Personally it gives me great joy to watch them crumble but I just wanna know whats going through jason garretts head on those goal line plays. There was nothin to it just barber to the right, barber to the right, barber to the bout a play action there Mr. Garrett? btw...The Who Dat Nation cant wait to help dallas keep their december curse alive :) I mean look even hitler is getting tired of the cowboys shit ..

Eminem - Till I it now..

I have a new favorite movie after this weekend, and that is boondock saints. I went and saw Boondock 2 All Saints Day a couple weeks ago with some friends and loved it so i rented the first one and it did not disapoint. The second one was just as good as the first in my opinion though.

Im Out Peoples...

Stay True. Stay You.


Thursday, December 10, 2009

Just a Shout Out...

Quick shout out to my buddy Logan Penney...he officially signed with the U.S. Air Force yesterday...FINALLY lol...Congrats Loganator im happy for ya man.

Its was 16 degrees outside when I got in my truck...FREAKIN 16!! If its gonna b this cold it needs to snow so I can at least get outta work lol. has a post of the text messages between tigers woods and his mistress lol...after reading those I dont feel sorry for him anymore

Im Out Peoples,

Stay True. Stay You


Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Grow a Pair Nancy...

So when exactly did the NFL and NCAA turn into flag football? It seems every weekend I watch more and more personal fouls are being called. People are getting flagged for tackling people to rough, hitting defenseless reciever, accidently touching a quarterbacks helmet with their hand, helmet to helmet contact....WTF!?!? Seriously people what is happening to our beloved sport of football?!? Since when can quarterbacks basically tell the ref to throw flags cuz some guy fell down and bumps him after he throws, *cough tom brady cough*. Its getting absolutely rediculous, I'll give it about ten years and I bet you arent even allowed to hit qb's anymore. All of that being said, there are a few qb's around the league willing to sell out and risk it all to win. Brett Favre being the main one. AND HE'S 40! Now a days basketball has just as much contact as football cuz people are afraid getting fined. These guys are getting paid 100's of millions of dollars so they need to grow a pair and play football...

PS- heres a lil video of what things used to be like a few years ago....the good ol' days lol

Im out peoples,

Stay True. Stay You.


Monday, December 7, 2009

True Artists...

Recently ive been getting really tired of the bullshit mainstream music like nickelback,stained,shinedown,linkin park etc.. You really cant find good musicians now a days. No one writes their own stuff. No one tries to break the mold and be a little bit different. Ok so i jumped the gun, linkin park is pretty good but still starting to go mainstream lol.

For the past couple weeks though ive been jammin to a couple of really rad dudes if I may.

First is Conor Oberst. Straight up musician right there. doesnt care about stereotypes, doesnt care if he's being played on the newest mixed music station, he just does his thing, and his thing kicks ass.

Conor Oberst - Cape Canaveral

I watched your face die backwards
Little baby in my memory
you told me victorys sweet
Even deep in the cheap seats

Conor Oberst - Cape Canaveral

Then theres Eric Hutchinson. Smooth jammin with this dude. Everyone of his songs has that uppidy beat that u cant help but tap your foot and smile to. Listen to "Ok is alright with me" and it just brightens ur entire day lol. Then listen to "rock and roll", that might be my favorite acoustic jam ever, seems like it was meant for a campfire haha.

Eric Hutchinson - Rock & Roll

If he wants to rock he rocks
If he wants to roll he rolls
He can roll with the puches
as long as he's in control

I would strongly suggest you all go and download all of their stuff. You wont regret it!

Im out peoples,

Stay True Stay You


Sunday, December 6, 2009

Just to start if off...

Whats goin on good people? As some of you know I already had a blog on another website but I lost my password and didnt feel like tryin to get it back lol...Well Im gonna start one back up cuz Ive got a lot of free time on my hands at work so yeah...

Most of you know from my frequent facebook updates that Im a huge saints fan. today we played washington to try and keep our record unblemished at 12-0. HOLY HELL! Most stressful game ever. long story short we came back at the end of the game to tie it and then won in overtime. Im happy about the win but this really shows that if new orleans doesnt get their corners and linebacker back from injuries we could be in big trouble.

The first saturday of every month i have to go to denton at 6 in the mornin for our D.E.P. workouts (Delayed Entry Program). for those of you who dont know I joined the United States Navy back in June and I ship out for Basic Training April 14th 2010. Anyways...So i have these workouts with other navy recruits and we usually just do some marching and running etc.. This past Saturday we went on a 1 mile run...let me repeat...1 mile...there was people that were getting dehydrated and others were feeling light-headed some even couldnt finish. Im sorry but thats pathetic, get your ass off the couch quit playin xbox and workout a little bit so you dont embarass apologies for venting :)

Did anybody else here about the crazy lady that faked getting robbed in bridgeport? and am I the only one who thought it was really funny?

Ive recently really gotten interested in art..Ive always liked to draw but now im starting to get into a lot more stuff...bought some acrylic paints the other day so ill prob start messin with those pretty soon. Ill try and post pictures of some of my crappy paintings soon lol.

TCU deserves a more stout opponent than freakin Boise St. Im thinkin TCU Vs. Florida woulda been one hell of a game but we'll never know...

Im out peoples.

Stay True. Stay you.