Monday, January 4, 2010

Just sleep through the static...

So New Years Eve and New Years Day kinda sucked. Pretty uneventful. Actually completely uneventful. I love my friends I have here back in wise county, but I miss the guys that arent ever here.

Getting things started with a girl sux when u know ur gonna leave in three months. So Im pretty sure im gonna stray away from doing that until I get a little more settled down after basic training and all that stuff.

Wearin my purple tee today gotta support those frogs!!

I wanna be just like travis pastrana. I want his life. Whats G? I think he created G. Heres a trailer for his new movie. Yeah and if ur wondering, at 2:04 in the vid he jumps out of a plane with no parachute...GANGSTA!! haha

Im not looking foward to the mass amount of people flooding to the gym for their "new years resolution". Dont get me wrong I think its awesome to see people tryin to be healthy but if ur gonna do it stick with it. In other words, dont be a bitch lol.

Ive recently gotten away from drawin and stuff and it bums me out but i just never have time. Im gonna do some new stuff today though i think since ive got nothin to do today at work. but we'll see.

Jack Johnson- Sleep through the static

Im Out Peoples

Stay True. Stay You.


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